It has definitely been an adventure already!! Yes, someone lost their boarding pass *cough* Jake *cough* and yes, we were relocated to three different gates before boarding the plane and yes,we were delayed on the runway while they resolved some mechanical issue; but we survived. : ]
We landed in San Jose, Costa Rica shortly before 1:00 p.m. and then spent an hour and half making our way through the immigration line. ...the only thing that made that line worth it was the official stamp that we now have in our passports!!
Making it from the airport to our destination was an experience. We managed to cram eighteen people, twenty-four suitcases, and a guitar onto one, not that large bus. It was almost impossible to take in the scenery when there were so many white-knuckled moments. Apparently turn-signals are highly unnecessary, "alto" means stopping is optional, and bike riders like to share lanes with cars.
...despite the unique driving style in Costa Rica, many of us were able to take in some of the sights, and I am both in awe of God's AWESOME creation, but also shocked by bars on the windows and doors of almost every building and house that we passed. Yards don't seem to exists. Houses are crammed together, and barbed wire tops many fences.
Tonight we are staying here!
It isn't actually a property owned by SCORE, but it is used by them often. Tomorrow we will be relocating to the Coronado Complex where we will stay for the rest of our trip. After our orientation meeting, the afternoon was spent relaxing, playing soccer, enjoying the view, and finally, preparing for tomorrow!!
Lord, as we begin our mission work in Costa Rica, I pray that you would work in our hearts an attitude and passion that overflows in a way that shows your LOVE. Help us to LIVE your LOVE. Amen.

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