Today we returned to the poor village to share His LOVE with some of the children we saw as we delivered food. After our day yesterday, we knew it would be a challenge. They didn't have a field for soccer, or space for much of anything. We weren't sure how we were going to make our crafts, or if they would even be receptive to the message we were bringing.
Our personal devotion time encouraged us to consider the challenge that some times comes with being associated with Christ. In Luke 9:18-27, we are reminded that we must daily deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him. Despite the difficult circumstances we were entering, we were ready to bear that cross.
HE provides!! We had a fabulous morning. There may not have been a field for soccer, but we made do with the space that we had. We played frisbee, jump-roped, and played pato, pato, ganzo. ...or, as we would call it, duck, duck, goose.
We also shared our puppet show, sang many songs, and made a craft as another way of sharing the hope that we have in Christ before going back to the Complex for lunch.
In Costa Rica, children of different ages go to school during different parts of the day, so we went back to the village in the afternoon. This time we had a much larger group to spend time with. We played more frisbee, more football, more soccer, and one large game of baseball. Americans vs. Costa Ricans.
…we weren’t actually suppose to take pictures…
Today wouldn't have been complete without a stop at Walmart. ...I think almost everyone went for something chocolate. Mitchell is loving his Aloe Vera drink...
Tomorrow we are off to the beach!! It will be nice to see another area of Costa Rica and enjoy this beautiful country, but I can't help but look forward to the mission work we will be doing on Saturday; our last full day in Costa Rica.

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